SimuLase SimuLase_Designer
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Updates of SimuLase and SimuLase_Designer

SimuLase Updates:

06/10/20 New option: A new version is now available that allows to modify various material parameters like bandgaps, band-offsets, effective masses, strain parameters or dielectric constants.
05/08/19 New features: now allows to display higher order transverse modes and the corresponding far fields.
06/01/18 Release of SimuLase™, Version 3.0
New materials: Dilut Bismuth AlInGaAsSbBi now available.
New materials: Wide bandgap AlInGaN now available.
New capability: Bandstructures and wavefunctions as calaculated by DFT theory can now be used instead of results of kp-theory. A LINUX based interface is available that converts output by VASP to be used as input for SimuLase calculations.
New capability: New 3D-plotting tool for easier database analysis.
New model: A classic CN3-model and a density-activated defect recombination model have been implemented to simulate Auger-like non-radiative losses in the tools for operating characteristics instead of using microscopically calculated data.
New capability: The program now allows to calculate for the case that the electron and hole densities are not identical.
SimuLase demo: New demo-version of SimuLase™ now available.
SimuLase manual: Updated SimuLase manual.
11/04/14 Release of SimuLase™, Version 2.0
Tenfold speed up: Totally revised codes allow for about ten times faster calculations than in Version 1.6.
GPU enabled: The program now allows the use of one or more GPUs for the calculation of databases. This allows for additonal speed-ups of typically a factor of two up to about a factor of five as compared to the already tenfold speed-up versus Version 1.6 due to optimized routines.
New materials: The material system AlInGaAsSb is now available.
New capability: The program now includes the option to calculate intraband (free carrier) absorption.
01/05/13 Release of SimuLase™, Version 1.6
New Tool: LI-Characteristics; The Current Calculator tool now includes additional capabilities that allow to calculate LI-characteristics in addition to threshold characteristics. Additional data like IQE, T_0, T_1 is calculated.
Revised GUI: The GUI has been revised to include the new capabilites, to simplify access to structures and databases, to have separate modes for edge-emitting and vertically emitting devices and to display additional data like strain and dopant related free carrier concentrations.
08/30/11 New coating materials: Additional dielectric coatings, Al2O3, SiO2, Ta2O5, TiO2, Y2O3, implemented in all SimuLase products.
New tool: LWEF; A tool to calculate the LWEF for changes in the electric field (acc. N. Suzuki, et al. IEEE PTL, 7, 1007 (1995)) has been implemented.
Optimized perfomance: A new algorithm has been implemented for optimized distribution of calculations on multi-processor machines.
02/01/11 Updated settings: SimuLase now allows to set up databases for various external Voltages within one batch job.
01/19/11 SimuLase 1.x: Received AFNIC approval.
06/10/10 Release of SimuLase™, Version 1.5
New algorithms, improved accuracy: A new algorithm has been implemented that leads to improved accuracy in the below bandgap absorption as required e.g. for electroabsorption modulators. This also improves the general accuracy of results for wide bandgap materials (wavelengths <800nm).
Simplified settings: The settings for creating GainDatabases has been further automated and simplified.
03/12/10 SimuLase: Now compatible with 64-bit platforms.
10/29/09 Release of SimuLase™, Version 1.4
With complete set of V(E)CSEL-design tools.
New tools: Includes new tools allowing to calculate the operating characteristics of V(E)CSELs like input-output characteristics, lasing wavelengths or intrinsic operating temperatures.
New tools: Includes a new tool that allows to export GainDatabases in a format that can be directly imported into Crosslight Inc.'s Lastip software.
New tools: Allows to export the structural information in Window's Excel format.
Improved algorithms: An improved (propriatory) method for the calculation of the wavelength and temperature dependence of the background refractive indicies has been implemented.
07/13/09 Improved Design Structure Tool: Now allows to un-do, re-do changes to the structure. Now allows to save cloning information.
06/03/09 Release of SimuLase™, Version 1.3
New tools: Includes a new tool allowing to calculate the surface-PL for structures with strong cavity effects like V(E)CSELs and compare the spectra to experimentally measured data.
Improved tools: The Reflection/Transmission tool now allows to import experimentally measured spectra for direct comparisons.
02/17/09 Release of SimuLase™, Version 1.2
New tools: Includes new tools allowing to calculate the longitudinal (propagating) modes and reflection and transmission spectra.
New materials: Versions for the material families of AlInGaAsSb and dillute Nitride AlInGaNAs now readily available.
New materials: Includes metallization layers (so far: Ti and Au) and anti-reflection coatings (so far Si3N4). Other coatings and metals will be included on request.
Improved algorithms: Some corrections for improved stability.
10/06/08 SimuLase-demo. New demo version available with small corrections and modifications.
09/02/08 New module: Auger module now available. Manual updated to include description of Auger calculations.
Graphics interface: Some corrections to the graphics interface.
07/07/08 Release of SimuLase™, Version 1.1
07/07/08 New tool: New tool calculating the linewidth enhancement factor incorporated.
Export Dataset: New feature that allows to export displayed data into ASCII-files for import into other software like Excel.
Confinement factor: corrected an error in the confinement factor calculation that could have occured if 'Solve Drift Diffusion' was checked or the structure included extremely thin layers.
06/23/08 SimuLase manual: Extended Sec. 5.7, "Possible Speed-Ups", to give some more details for specific examples.
Updated the manual for recent changes in the program.
Created files: SimuLase now also writes out the strain into files named "name_TTT_strain.dat". These files are created in the GainDatabase directory. There is currently no plotting-tool included in SimuLase for these files.
GainDatabase time estimate: Changed the algorithm that estimates the time required to set up a Database.
Drift diffusion solver: corrected an error due to which the drift-diffusion problem was only solved in the calculation for the first entry of the list of carrier densities.
06/19/08 Optical mode solver: Now, the optical confinement factor is no longer calculated from the overlap of the mode with layers marked as being of type 'Well'. Instead, the confinement factor is calculated from the overlap of the mode with all layers where the confinement potential bandgap energy is smaller than the energy corresponding to the operating 'Wavelength' as specified on the 'Advanced' panel of the 'Design Structure' tool.
The type 'Well' or 'Barrier' is now only used for the determination of the required subbands.
Optical mode solver: Increased stability and accuracy such that it should find confined modes where it previously didn't.
Optical mode solver: Corrected error in the confinement factor calculation that appeared for structures with graded composition ('GRINSCH-type' layers).
Plot windows: Corrected error that occured when zooming into plots with log-scale axis.
Current Calculator tool: We added the possibility to calculate for radiative losses averaged for TE- and TM-polarization (Jrad=2/3 Jrad,TE + 1/3 Jrad,TM).
Also, changed the way the material loss or wavelength is re-set after changes in the settings.
Gain vs. Current tool: We added the possibility to calculate for radiative losses averaged for TE- and TM-polarization (Jrad=2/3 Jrad,TE + 1/3 Jrad,TM).
Also, included Auger losses - if available - in the calculation.

SimuLase_Designer Updates:

05/08/19 New features: now allows to display higher order transverse modes and the corresponding far fields.
06/01/18 Release of SimuLase_Designer™, Version 3.0
New materials: Dilut Bismuth AlInGaAsSbBi now available.
New materials: Wide bandgap AlInGaN now available.
SimuLase_Designer demo: New demo-version of SimuLase_Designer™ now available.
SimuLase_Designer manual: New Quick Start Guide available for SimuLase_Designer.
11/04/14 Release of SimuLase_Designer™, Version 2.0
Speed up: Revised mode calculation routines allow for much faster calculations of optical modes and reflection/transmission spectra.
01/05/13 Release of SimuLase_Designer™, Version 1.6
Revised GUI: for easier loading/saving of structure files.
Additional data: Now allows to display the internal strain and dopant related free carrier concentrations.
08/14/12 New Material: Quinternary AlxInyGa1-x-yAszSb1-z with x, y, z between 0.0 and 1.0, now included in SimuLase_Designer, AlInGaAsSb-Version.
08/30/11 New coating materials: Additional dielectric coatings, Al2O3, SiO2, Ta2O5, TiO2, Y2O3, implemented in SimuLase_Designer products.
06/10/10 Release of SimuLase_Designer™, Version 1.5
03/12/10 SimuLase_Designer: Now compatible with 64-bit platforms
10/29/09 Release of SimuLase_Designer™, Version 1.4
New tool: Allows to export the structural information in Window's Excel format.
Improved algorithms: An improved (propriatory) method for the calculation of the wavelength and temperature dependence of the background refractive indicies has been implemented.
07/13/09 Designer now allows to un-do, re-do changes to the structure and allows to save cloning information.
06/03/09 Release of SimuLase_Designer™, Version 1.3
02/17/09 Release of SimuLase_Designer™, Version 1.2
New tools: Allow to calculate the longitudinal (propagating) modes and reflection and transmission spectra.
Versions for the material families of AlInGaAsSb and dillute Nitride AlInGaNAs now available.
Includes metallization layers (so far: Ti, Cr and Au) and anti-reflection coatings (so far Si3N4).
Some corrections for improved stability.
10/06/08 Release of SimuLase_Designer™ Version 1.1

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